Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ichthyosis (plural ichthyoses) is a heterogeneous family of at least 28[1], generalized, mostly genetic skin disorders. All types of ichthyosis have dry, thickened, scaly or flaky skin.[1] In many types the skin is said to resemble the scales on a fish; the word ichthyosis comes from the Ancient Greek ιχθύς (ichthys), meaning "fish."[2] The severity of symptoms can vary...

Monday, April 27, 2009

2 Tok Guru Kesayangan Ummah

Oleh Ustaz Nasarudin Tantawi Akhir - akhir ini agak keterlaluan sikap sesetengah dikalangan kita . Melalui blog , kenyataan akhbar , ucapan di tempat awam , meeting tidak rasmi kedai kopi dan sebagainya jelas kedengaran mereka mengutuk salah seorang dari 2 Tok Guru kesayangan ummah ini .Kalau musuh yang berbuat demikian , tidaklah menghairankan saya tetapi sangat...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Perbezaan pendapat

"Muktamar PAS pada kali ini sangat diberi perhatian khusus oleh semua ahli PAS kerana PAS berada dalam keadaan yang sangat stabil sebelum ini. 3 negeri dikuasai oleh PAS tetapi satu telah dirampas oleh BN secara haram.Tambahan pula, di antara kebanyakan pati politik dalam Pakatan Rakyat, PAS jugalah yang paling diterima dan didahului daripada yang lain. DAP banyak memberi...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hospital orang kaya

KEMUNDURAN HOSPITAL KERAJAAN KEMAJUAN HOSPITAL SWASTA DIGITAL hospital -- this is where private hospitals are heading. Siemens Healthcare business development (Asean) manager Ng Boon Sun says they have been receiving good response from the private sector for the new technology known as "integrated healthcare".The innovation, which synchronises workflow and...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tarian Wanita di Festival Asean 09 (Mesir) suatu Teguran

Kitab mana yang dirujuk, hadis mana yang diteladani, dalil apa yang dipakai sehingga ada pihak yang sanggup menghidangkan tarian wanita di khalayak ramai lebih-lebih lagi kepada para bakal ulamak mahasiswa Islam Al Azhar.Kejadian ini mungkin tidak menjadi hal dan isu sekiranya penontonnya semua wanita atau gadis. Fikirlah sendiri!Apakah atas nama kebudayaan anda sanggup membiarkan...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bacteria thriving beneath Antarctic glacier

Scientists have uncovered an ancient ecosystem below an Antarctic glacier that survived millions of years in cold brine without light or oxygen, a study said.Because the ecosystem was isolated for so long in extreme conditions, it could shed light on possible extraterrestrial life and how systems can survive under ice, said longtime Antarctic researcher and Montana State University...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Masa Depan Ummah ditanganmu

Oleh Ustaz Nasrudin TantawiDapat diperhatikan secara jelas , bagaimana dunia Islam hari ini sedang dikepong oleh musuh – musuhnya dari segenap arah . Bahkan permusuhan mereka terhadap Islam kian ketara dan mereka seperti tidak sabar lagi mahu melihat Islam ini hancur dan ummahnya musnah .Sepanjang kembara tarbiyah , saya bersama Ustaz Zulqarnain dan Ir. Hj Khairil akan mengambil...

Makna to build research hospital

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Cancer Council (Makna) plans to build a low-cost hospital. Besides having research facilities, the hospital will also offer treatment to cancer patients, said Makna president Datuk Mohd Farid Ariffin yesterday at a ceremony during which Makna handed out grants to five researchers. He stressed the importance of recognising, encouraging and collaborating with researchers in discovering a cure for cancer."We hope the seeds sown by the young researchers will come to fruition."Academy of Sciences Malaysia president...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Benarkah ahli gerakan jemaah Islamiah itu lemah

Posting kali ini saya ingin menyentuh satu perkara yang amat penting untuk meneruskan perjalanan dakwah Islam. Jamaah atau Gerakan Islam yang kuat perlu memiliki anggota dan ahli jamaah yang kuat juga. Namun di sana ada beberapa perkara yang boleh membantutkan perjalanan dakwah itu sendiri.Insya-Allah saya akan menyentuh tentang perkara yang melemahkan organisasi dakwah dari sudut ahli. Menurut Sheikh Fathi Yakan dalam bukunya " Al-Mutasaaqituuna 'alaa thoriiqu al-da'wah, kayfa wa limadza??", beliau menggariskan beberapa perkara yang boleh menyebabkan...

Appointment of contract doctors to be speeded up

PUTRAJAYA: Approval of applications from doctors wishing to work on contract in government hospitals will be speeded up Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said a committee would deal with the process from application to recruitment and placement. At present, an applicant has to wait two to three months for approval."Sometimes it's even longer. We want to shorten the process to, hopefully, a month," Liow said after his ministry's monthly gathering yesterday.The committee will be jointly headed by the ministry's secretary-general...

It's not funny, it's Parkinson's

Deep brain stimulation surgery helps reduce the symptoms. World Parkinson's Day is on April 11 each year. KASMIAH MUSTAPHA discovers that sufferers have to cope with far more than their physical symptoms here in Malaysia. Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease when he was 30 years old. He has been living with the illness for almost 18 years....